Sunday, November 25, 2012

New Blog Home!

I went to login to our blog last night and got the unwelcome news that we've used up the 1 GB of storage that is allowed on Blogspot blogs.  So, here I am, at our new blog home.  Thanks for following our adventures!

Wow, I always forget how crazy this time of year is. I am swamped at work, putting in lots of long, physical labor filled, stress induced hours. My Santa's arrival event is always the week before Thanksgiving and as much as I try to be organized and prepared, the unexpected always happens. This year, it was that our staff lost a long-time member, leaving us short-handed. Add on to that Paul traveling three days out of each week in November and December, throw in some three year molars, a virus and a cold for Owen, a cold, not being able to sleep and lots of migraines for me and you have a crazy, hectic time of year that I love, but am always so happy when it is over!

Believe it or not, we have had some fun moments in there too, and here are some of them that I don't want to forget! Lately, Owen has been telling me, "Mommy, you're a good cooker!" When a cartoon or one of his toys "does" something he thinks is funny, he says, "Silly Guy!" His favorite songs to sing are Twinkle, Twinkle, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, The Wheels on the Bus and Rudolph. He asks to watch Toy Story a hundred times a day.

We've started to talk about Santa and how we are going to put out a cookie and milk for Santa. I got out the plate and cup that we are going to use so he could see them. He said, "Santa better eat a good dinner or he no get cookies!" He then proceded to take the following items out of the fridge for Santa to eat.

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